
My name is Pilar and I am a teacher of English as a Foreign Language.

I decided to create this blog because the time for my class is not enough at school. Here you will find some stuff to practice what you learned, reinforce the content studied at school, have fun, sing along, watch a video, play games...

I hope this blog is appealing for those who visit it. And remember that suggestions are always welcome -thank you!

Have a nice day :-)

martes, 3 de mayo de 2011

Easter!! =)

And before Easter holidays, the last day at school (Friday, April the 15th) the kids had a great surprise: they had to search for an Easter egg each, hehe! At the beginning, they didn't know what was going on... I sent them all out of the classroom so that I could hide the eggs... When they came in, searched for an egg, sat down when found it and eventually ate it when everyone had theirs...uhmm!! :D

 5ºB looking for the eggs...

                                                                            5ºA after finding the eggs :)

After eating the eggs, we watched a video where Mickey Mouse called the rest of his friends to do something similar... Mickey's Easter party
Hope you had a great Easter week! :)

Day of the Book

Hi there!

Last 14th of April we celebrated the Day of the Book, which is on the 23rd of April, but it was Easter holidays.

We were invited to go to Santa María Square to read some passages of Cervantes' Quijote. This reading was organised by the IES Fuente de la Peña, who danced some medieval dances before the reading. They also invited classes from other schools :)

You can see some photos below.

As you can see, after the reading, on our way back to school, we made a stop in this park (next to the bullring) for five minutes :)

We had a great morning, the kids got some knowledge of the Quijote novel. I hope they liked it and felt motivated by what they learnt to read this novel adapted to their age.

Now you should read for a while ;)