
My name is Pilar and I am a teacher of English as a Foreign Language.

I decided to create this blog because the time for my class is not enough at school. Here you will find some stuff to practice what you learned, reinforce the content studied at school, have fun, sing along, watch a video, play games...

I hope this blog is appealing for those who visit it. And remember that suggestions are always welcome -thank you!

Have a nice day :-)

jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011

Halloween is fun too!

Halloween is near and we are starting to celebrate it... We are decorating the school, doing activities related to it, reading stories, creating pumpkins and Jack-o'-lanterns! We have been playing some games on-line too and this is the link to surf on today's website: Halloween games 

On Friday we are disguising ourselves and playing "Trick or Treat" in the neighbourhood!! :D We'll upload some pictures next week...

Meanwhile, have fun! ;D

miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011

A Danish visit! :)

At the beginning of October, we had a very interesting and nice visit at school. A Danish friend of mine called Kasper came to meet the kids and participate in two of our classes. He told us some things about his country: Denmark. Then, we made a quizz and, afterwards, we had a bilingual lesson of Physical Education playing games using the English language :)

I hope you learned (and still remember) something from that day. I know you did enjoy yourselves quite a lot! ;)

Here you are some pictures of that day (October, 7th):

Thanks to the other teachers for collaborating, to the kids for their good behaviour and to Kasper for coming to school and participating! As he would say in Danish, "tak" :)

New year, new school, new kids...

Hi everyone in 6ºB and 6ºA! :D

As you know, I'm working in a different school this year. The name is Nuestra Señora de las Veredas and it's located in a small village called Guadalema de los Quintero, depending on Utrera (Sevilla).
This school is very small: there are only 45 children altogether! I'm teaching English to all of them, but I'm also "tutora" of the 3rd year class and I teach them Spanish reading, Spanish language, Maths and Arts and crafts. They are 7-8 years old and all of them are very good.

Here you are some pictures of my new school:

I'm good here but I miss you and hope to see you again soon! :)
