
My name is Pilar and I am a teacher of English as a Foreign Language.

I decided to create this blog because the time for my class is not enough at school. Here you will find some stuff to practice what you learned, reinforce the content studied at school, have fun, sing along, watch a video, play games...

I hope this blog is appealing for those who visit it. And remember that suggestions are always welcome -thank you!

Have a nice day :-)

lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010

Video about Glasgow!

7 comentarios:

  1. Hello teacher!!!

    I´m Oscar,...I thought that your travel will start at the last of november, but yerterday when I was in your classroom came in the new teacher. I think that your students don´t miss you and the new teacher is better than you;).

    Kisses and don´t forget to bring me brownie and a lot of presents.

    have a good "school days"!!!!

  2. Hi Oscar!! :)

    I think that I'm not going to bring you any brownie or presents if you continue saying that my children don't miss me, because they do!! :p

    I'm fine and I will be back on the 20th of december, that's why I had to leave at the beginning of November!

    Please, remember to Almudena to email me!! And she can give Alison my e-mail address just in case she needs anything!

    Hope you're well!! See you soon!

    Pilar xx

  3. seño nos traeras regalos o algun recuerdo de alli y recuerda que siempre me recordaras con la pulsera que te regale...patricia. te echo de menos tutura y los pajaros son preciosos no lo hemos pasado genil y nos hemos cambiado y hemos juntado las mesas y la nueva seño es muy maja

  4. Patri, siempre llevo tu pulsera puesta! :) Claro que os llevaré algo, ya lo dije! ;)
    Me alegro de que os hayan gustado los pájaros y de que esteis bien con la seño nueva! muac!

  5. Ticher el vídeo no me funciona,¿como hago para que me funcione?,espera!me funciona¡.Espero que nos traigas algo bonito y¿como vas por hay,tienes amigos?muchos besos..

    Alfredo Cazabán 5ºA Antonio R.

  6. Hello teacher how are you?
    Do you have friends there?
    Then when you come here do not talk a bit about how you have you got

    kisses Silvia cortes 5ºB

  7. te echamos de menos a venido la sustituta nueva y es también muy buena.Que esperamos que vuelvas pronto que te estaremos aqui esperando eeee!


    Escrito por:Lidia Montes Carrillo. te queremos...
